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Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day Tea Party

I received an invitation from Phoebe to attend a tea party at her preschool in honor of Mother's Day. Mary Catherine found me the perfect hat, which Phoebe fell in love with, so we ended up with the same hats. It was fun to decorate them together, she was so excited about the tea party and the big pink hats! Below are pictures from the tea party, which turned out so perfect and elegant. Mrs. West & Ms. Wise really outdid themselves with this. All I expected was to be sitting with Phoebe, all dressed up and sipping tea with our big fancy hats. We walked into a beautiful, elegant setting, it was all set up in the ballet room. Phoebe served me food and drink. And the table had a framed picture of Phoebe on it, which was my Mother's Day gift. A lot of thought went into this and I felt so honored to be there. It was perfect.

She had fun trying on the outfits while deciding what to wear, so we have some silly pics too! If you click on the slideshow, it will open the album so you can view larger pics. Enjoy!

Mrs. West asked them why they love their moms, Phoebe said "I love my mom because... I love her very much". I just asked her why does she love me and she said "because you help me pick up and because you're nice to me". :) This kid warms my heart. I love you Phoebe Jean!

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