Erin is one of our closest friends, she has a 6 year old son with Autism...his name is Dane. They have never, in the 10 years that I've known them, ever complained about raising this child and they are the best parents I have ever met. They were approved for a service dog for Dane. They are looking to raise $7500 to pay for the dog. If you are interested in helping them out, I am including a link to the site to donate. Also, if you'd like to read more about Dane, I'm including some information that is on the Facebook page (see attached).
Site for Donations:
Info on Organization that Trains the Dogs:
Facebook Profile:!/profile.php?id=100000817068071&ref=ts
The donation site does not tell them who donated, so if you do decide to donate, you can send an email to or let me know and I'll pass it on (don't need to include the amount). Every dollar helps, so each donation, no matter the amount, will help them reach their goal. I wouldn't waste your time (or mine) sending this if I didn't feel that this family truly deserved it. Please pass this on to others that may be able to help.
Some info on Dane --
Interests: For information about Pawsibilities Unleashed and their Austim
Service Dogs, Please check out their website!!
About Me:
Hi, my name is Dane and I am 6 years old. My favorite time of year
is summer. I love playing outside and running around in the grass. I
love to go swimming and would go everyday if it were warmer. I just
moved into my own big boy room so that I can stay up all night and
not wake up Gage. He needs his rest for school. I have the best big
brother in the world. I love watching movies and playing with my
family. I love living in Louisiana because we have the best food in
the world. My favorite food is red beans and rice… yummy! I LOVE
Since you are getting to know me I should tell you that I have
Autism. Don’t be scared – I’m not hurting. I am just different. I
haven’t learned to express myself through words like most people
but I am learning sign language. I smile when I am happy and I
laugh when something is funny. I also cry when I am sad and get
mad when I don’t get my way. What? You mean you do that too?
Maybe I’m not so different after all. I’m just unique in that I’m not
like other kids that go to my school.
Mommy and Daddy were told about a special dog that can help me
stay safe and help me get through normal everyday things. It’s called
a service dog. This dog will help me if I happened to go for a walk
and forget to tell my mom and dad. He can bark and nudge me until
I go back home or stay with me until help arrives. I live by the
woods and by a pond so he can help me a lot. Did I mention that I
love to swim? The pond in our subdivision looks like a lot of fun to
swim in too.
A service dog costs over $20,000.00 to discipline and train for special
needs children. Mommy and Daddy found a special company that will
do this discipline and training for a donation of $7,500.00. That’s a
lot of money but they tell me that it’s for a good cause…ME!!! They
are going to have some fundraisers to help collect the money
needed. They are also setting up a website where you can donate
through the organization called Pawsibilities Unleashed. They are the
smart people that thought of doing this to help kids like me. Mommy
said she will make sure that she keeps everybody posted through
this page on how we all are doing and getting along. My whole
family will go to Kentucky with me to train with the dog so that he
can get to know our family just like we have to get to know him. I
can’t wait to get meet our new family member. I’m so excited …I can
hardly wait.