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Monday, June 28, 2010

Swim Lessons for Phoebe!

Phoebe will begin private swimming lessons Wednesday evening. Let's hope all goes well and she at least gets in the water! :) I really don't want her to go through life not knowing how to swim. I did and I missed out on so many activities with my friends. So keep your fingers crossed that this will work out! I'll post an update after her first lesson.

6/30/10 - Phoebe had her first lesson today. She did great! She learned to put her mouth under the water and blow bubbles, she learned to kick, push herself from the wall with her feet and the teacher, Ms Stacia, got her to lay on her back. Which is almost impossible, Phoebe has always had a fear of putting her ears under the water since she had tubes and couldn't do it for years, now that she's older and she can, she's scared to. But it looks like Stacia will be able to help her get past that. We have another session scheduled for tomorrow, depending on the weather of course.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Today was the day

Today was the day that I welcomed the Lord into my heart. I gave myself to Him back when I wasn't truly ready. I know that I am ready now and Tammy was by my side every step of the way. I felt immediate relief, it was a nice experience. Next I will be baptized. I've been waiting my whole life for this. I can't wait to see what He has in store for me.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Phoebe's getting more sleep

We've never wanted to put Phoebe in bed early because we're at work all day and want to spend as much time with her as possible. Work gets 9-10 hours of our day (after you include lunch and travel time), it's hard to think about getting home at 5 or 5:30 and eating dinner, taking baths and putting her straight to bed at 7 or so.

Well she was always used to taking naps during the day and now it's a different story. At her preschool, they are constantly doing things and Phoebe is so wound up by the time they go to lay down, that she fights herself to get tired and as soon as she's about to fall asleep, they're getting up from their nap. (It's just a 45 min rest time, they can just lay there and relax or take a quick nap) The teachers and Director told us 2 weeks ago that Phoebe seemed really tired and just not herself. So we decided that we have no choice but to put her to bed earlier. We started last Monday at 8:00, she had the tv on (in order to get her to move out of our bed and into her room, we let her keep the tv on as a comfort thing)... I checked on her a few times and she was still awake. Finally a little after 9, I turned off the tv, she said okay but then I heard her crying through the monitor. She NEVER cries so it broke my heart... but we knew it was going to be rough. I let her cry for a few minutes and she ended up walking in our bedroom, she was really upset. By this time it was 9:40 so we said to just come sleep in the bed with us and we'd start again tomorrow. It wasn't a point of giving up or giving in, it was just too late to let it go on, she needed her rest.

Tuesday we put her in bed at 8:00 without the tv and she fell asleep within minutes. She slept through the entire night and walked out of her bedroom at 7am the next morning (the time I normally wake her up). We did the same routine Wednesday and Thursday and it worked out great. On Friday evening after we got off work, me, Mikey and Tammy brought Phoebe to CiCi's to celebrate! She's getting the rest she needs and she's having much better days. It's hard having to spend less time with her, but we know that she needs this, so we'll make the sacrifice.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Speckled Frog Song 6/11/10

Phoebe singing a new song she learned in preschool this week, it's super cute! Enjoy!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Phoebe's First Ballet Recital

Phoebe performed in her first ballet recital tonight. She's been in ballet since February and she did great! We couldn't take video, although I snuck a short one of the parade, but I really wish I would've recorded the performance! We'll buy the DVD once it's ready though. Here are a few pictures, enjoy!

Here's the video, she's the 3rd little butterfly to come out =)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy Shark Song 6/2/10

Phoebe singing the Happy Shark song that she learned in class. I'm not sure what the name of the song really is, I just named it Happy Shark, hehe!