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Monday, June 28, 2010

Swim Lessons for Phoebe!

Phoebe will begin private swimming lessons Wednesday evening. Let's hope all goes well and she at least gets in the water! :) I really don't want her to go through life not knowing how to swim. I did and I missed out on so many activities with my friends. So keep your fingers crossed that this will work out! I'll post an update after her first lesson.

6/30/10 - Phoebe had her first lesson today. She did great! She learned to put her mouth under the water and blow bubbles, she learned to kick, push herself from the wall with her feet and the teacher, Ms Stacia, got her to lay on her back. Which is almost impossible, Phoebe has always had a fear of putting her ears under the water since she had tubes and couldn't do it for years, now that she's older and she can, she's scared to. But it looks like Stacia will be able to help her get past that. We have another session scheduled for tomorrow, depending on the weather of course.

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