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Friday, April 30, 2010

Domino's Chicken Kickers!

We ordered pizza and chicken kickers since the boys were coming to spend the night. Well the hubby and I ate all but 2 of the 10 pc chicken kickers... I went to tear one in half (I was just biting into them) and this is what I found:

And most of you know the story of me and chicken. I received chicken that was raw in the middle from Popeyes and Chick-fil-A before. So I'm pretty picky with chicken. As you can see, I have no luck! This just turned my stomach, again.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Email Hacked!

So for the first time ever, my email account was hacked. Someone got into my email and sent links from my email address to everyone in my contacts list. I noticed when I checked my email this morning, I had all of these undeliverables. I immediately changed my password, but I'm curious to know if they were able to access my Google documents. That would so not be good!

I used my sister's computer over the weekend, before I cleaned it up. She had spyware and viruses (poor thing doesn't know any better, she just gets on there to check email). So I'm assuming that's how it happened.

So if you received an email from me this morning, with a link... don't click on it! Most of you know that I don't really send emails anyway. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When it rains, it really does pour!

So I finally had time to go and get my state inspection taken care of this morning. It expired 3/31 so I figured I'd have addt'l fees to pay. I have never been late so I was expecting to pay $45-50. They pulled my car around and charged me for the inspection, I thought I was about to be on my way. But no... after charging my card, they explained that I FAILED the inspection! I didn't panic too much... I just kept thinking it's probably not that big-a-deal. It was something with the coolant temp not reaching the regulated temp... or something to that effect. And they said I needed 2 new tires and an alignment. So I took the car to Kenneth's, they called and gave me an update.

2 new Tires = $350
1 alignment = $75
1 Replacement Thermostat = $300

And by the way ma'am, you've got about 10% of your brakes left. You don't have to do anything today, but you will need new ones rather soon. I said, well I'm about to travel to New Orleans 3 times within the next 6 weeks. He said never mind, you may want to take care of it now. I said what anyone would say ... "how much"?! It's going to be $475 for the brakes. I said "SAY WHAT NOW?!" I said "what about those $99 brakes commercials I always see?"!?!?! He explained that's just a way for those quick brake shops to get you in and then they'll tell you so many things are wrong with your car when there's nothing wrong. I called one before agreeing to the work and it sounded like they just wanted to get me in the door, he was a super fast talker and he made me feel a bit leery. So... I called Kenneth's back and told them to go ahead and fix it. So yes folks, just to get a $40 state inspection sticker (aka - brake tag), I had to get $1200 of work done on my truck!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Busy busy!

So we had to miss the trip to New Orleans at the end of March because I was in too much pain to travel. But no worries, I'm paying for missing that trip, now we have 3 trips planned to NOLA over a 6 week period. I'm exhausted just thinking about it! But it'll be well worth it!

April 23rd - Trip 1) Going to help a dear friend with a fundraiser event to help her autistic son Dane get a service dog

May 7th - Trip 2) CHS 15 year reunion!

May 22nd - Trip 3) My nephew Matthew's high school graduation and hopefully a bday get together for Brian!

We're going to Disney on Ice this weekend and I'm hoping to attend Kelsey's camera workshop on May 15th!