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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Planning Phoebe's 5th Birthday Party

9/5/10 - I'm trying to get a head start and begin planning Phoebe's birthday party. We're thinking of doing it after Christmas so it's not so crazy for everyone. We asked her what kind of party she wanted and she's been saying Tinkerbell. So I'm thinking we can do a Tinkerbell and pirates party, so the boys can enjoy it too. We asked where she wanted to have it and she said "at my home". We offered several ideas but she kept saying home. So we are considering having it at the house and renting a Tinkerbell space walk. If you have any suggestions or ideas on party ideas and favor ideas, I'm all ears! She'll be 5, her friends from school are 4 and 5.

10/10/10 - Update on Party Ideas - For the Tinkerbell/Pirates party, we're thinking of getting fairy wings and pirate hats or swords for the kids to decorate themselves. (these haven't been easy to find so let me know if you know a place I can buy these at a decent price) We can also do face painting and paint pirate patches on the boys and maybe put pixie dust / body glitter on the girls. We can spray everyone's hair different colors.

11/13/10 - Another update - I received a great idea of doing Message in a Bottle invitations! (thank you Ms Tess!) I was thinking of making them myself, but I know I really won't have the time, so I'll probably just purchase the kits. I found sword and eye patch packages at a decent price online, so I think we've got that covered. I just need to think of some activities to keep the kids happy and busy!

And we set the date! We're going to have her party on Saturday, January 8th... so mark your calendars!

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