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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fun Day at the Children's Museum

Brittanie, Chris & Maddi drove in last night and they're staying by Tammy's until Tuesday. Phoebe was so excited that Maddi was coming to Texas (she loves her some Maddi!). We went by Tammy's this morning to see them and they made plans to go to the Children's Museum. Mikey had his fantasy football draft today so he stayed behind. Aidan rode with us out there, which was great for Phoebe to have some company for the ride. All of the kiddos had a great time. Phoebe got to make an air balloon out of a tiny cup, 4 straws and a coffee filter, then she put it in the wind tunnel and watched it fly out of the top, which she loved! She got to do a little rock climbing with Evan too. We all had a really good time. Aidan rode back with us and came to hang out for a while. Mikey took out the bounce house for them to play in. Then around 6:00 Tammy & Maddi showed up for a visit (Phoebe was so excited that Maddi was coming to her house). The wind was kicking -I think we were getting some outer bands from Tropical Storm Lee that was hitting New Orleans because the wind was crazy. Then, after a while, it began to rain! Not pour, but rain enough to get our hair a little wet, but we'll take whatever we can get! We're under water restrictions and cannot wash our cars and can only water the lawn twice a week. So Mikey is going crazy since Big Red is all dirty. He keeps getting tempted to wash it, but we could face up to a $2,000 fine. So yeah, not gonna happen! Anyway, the night ended with Tammy taking Phoebe, Aidan & Maddi home with her. At least the kids should be worn out and fall asleep rather quickly, cause I'm sure Tammy is worn out herself. I know I sure am, but I got up at 4:30 this morning, just tossed and turned and finally gave in and got out of bed. So I think it's nite nite time for Mommy. :)

Thank you Lord for giving me another day to enjoy the blessings you have showered me with.

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