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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Phoebe's 1st GS Camping Trip!

Phoebe and her troop went to Camp Agnes Arnold in Conroe this weekend for camping. They left on Friday and returned around 12:30 today. You could tell they were all so exhausted which meant they had fun filled days! They did archery, built camp fires, roasted marshmallows, made smores on tortillas and on thanks a lot cookies! They went on a canoe, learned some outside cooking, put together and performed a skit (Phoebe was a sneezing passenger on a plane, Emma was a flight attendant that didn't like germs... but Emma threw everyone off the plane and offered Phoebe a tissue for her sneezing, lol!) They slept in tents, brought sleeping bags (silly me packed her sleeping bag from day care, didn't even think she'd outgrown it, she said her feet were sticking out, I was cracking up, great job Mom! Anyway, they had a great time, I'm so grateful for the parents that went on the trip and captured many pictures for us. They made some really great memories together. Here are a few. :)

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