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Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

We headed to the beach first thing Saturday morning, we got there around 8:30 and stayed until about 2:00. When we first got there, Phoebe didn't want to go near the water, after a little while, she got to the very edge of the water and tried to fill her bucket, it was so cute. By the time we left, she was walking out about 20 feet in by herself and didn't want to stop. We headed home, picked up some lunch and MawMaw came over for a couple hours. Phoebe fell asleep in the car on the ride home, she was exhausted! But we all had a great time! Tammy came and picked MawMaw up and me, Mikey and Phoe went outside and washed the cars.

Then on Sunday, we headed over to Tammy & Rudy's to swim for a while. Mikey made gumbo and brought it over, everyone loved it. Jack came with us, he was walking around the pool and ended up slipping and falling in! He didn't care for that much! Then a little while later, Rudy threw him in... he still didn't care for the water. :) Phoebe wanted to stay and sleep over, so the hubby and I headed home around 5:30. I got a few things done around the house and with home videos (converting them and putting them on dvd) and then we watched Sherlock Holmes (good movie!). A storm came through and knocked the power out 2 or 3 times, but it didn't stay off long.

On Monday, I went and picked up Phoebe from Tammy's, hung out for a bit and then we headed home. Mikey woke up with a migraine so he stayed behind. We hung out around the house for a while, cooked some lunch and then Tam and Ru invited us bowling, so we headed over to the bowling alley, the kids had a great time! Then we went to the grocery and then home and stayed there! It was a fun-filled weekend! Pictures and videos to be posted soon!

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