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Friday, May 27, 2011

Aidan & Evan made it through Kindergarten!

Aidan and Evan made it through Kindergarten! Not that we had any doubts, but it's still such an exciting time. Just another sign that they're growing up, and so so fast. Tammy & Rudy had decided to place them in separate classes, so they make their own friends and aren't together 24/7. It seemed to be a great move because they did great and they're such happy kids. I can't believe they'll be in the 1st grade in August!

Congrats on making it through Kindergarten! We took them out to Olive Garden tonight to celebrate. They had a great time, and Aidan ate like 4 breadsticks, then took one out of the basket when we were about to leave, lol! It was too funny. Tammy & Rudy stopped and picked up Congrats Grad balloons for them and we brought little Hallmark Grad puppies that held a card with money for them, they loved everything.

Me & Phoebe attended their Kindergarten performance yesterday and they did so great! They both participated and sang every song. I remember in Mother's Day Out how they were both so shy, they've really come a long way and we are so proud of them! Pictures and videos coming soon! Congrats boys!

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