Santa brought Phoebe a Bop It XT game, a telescope, microscope and JoJo (the 4ft sock monkey mentioned above). Santa paid a visit to Phoebe, Aidan & Evan while we were at Nanny's on Christmas Eve. He gave her the Bop It game and she was oh so thrilled. Mom & Dad got her a Spongebob hangman game, a motorized train with lights that goes around the tree, a travel kit for her DSi, Hello Kitty puzzle, remote race car, create your own jigsaw puzzle, and a few other things. Here are the before and after pictures: Before
She did have a birthday 5 days earlier, where she got a Dsi, Super Mario game, Bumble Chase set with motion and music and an animated Abominable snowman (named him Bumble). We made a point to talk about the meaning of Christmas and how it was Jesus' birthday.